Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I thought there would be no better time than now to talk about one of my favorite countries. The Great REPUBLIC OF TURKEY.

You might ask - "Jordan, why's Turkey one of your favorite countries?"

I would answer - "Friend, because it's where one of my favorite Jazz players is from, Mehmet Okur."

"Get up, Memo!"

On a completely different note, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy thanksgiving!

In that spirit, here's a picture of my mom, the pilgrim!

Have a great Turkey Day!


  1. Hahaha I love the picture of your mom, the pilgrim. And you haha well done.

  2. I LOVE YOUR MOM, the pilgrim. What a great lady.

  3. Yes, well done, Jordan! I also love the picture of Mom. That is a classic!

    And...did you like Mehmet?

  4. So we went to school together I don't think we ever talked or anything but my husband The infamous Joshua Phillips says he gave you a jacket or something. Anyway I think your blog is #1.

  5. Bahaha. "get up memo"... Hilar. I love the Jazz.
